Monday, May 2, 2016

The Fight for Freedom of Speech its a Beach (Ball)

Freedom of speech is arguablly one of America's most cherished principles, and as of recently it appears that America as a whole has become more concerned with how liberal society is with their freedom of speech. One of the best breeding grounds for controversy regarding freedom of speech is arguably college campuses. The plethora of eager minds hopped up their new found independence creates the ideal environment for controversy regarding social issues to breed.

Ithaca college used the release of the documentary video "Can we Take a Joke" as a platform to unearth the issue of freedom of speech on their campus. As a means to advertise the film throughout the campus posters were hung regarding mental health adorned with slogans such as "Trigger Warning." Many students felt that these signs were an inappropriate way to convey their message. Those in favor of the signs on the other hand believe that the signs serve their purpose as a means of advertisement. An organization on campus by the abbreviation of ICYAL is petitioning signatures to implement the Chicago Principles of Free Speech on campus. The Chicago Principle of Free Speech explicitly say that the college supports a spirit of inquiry and dialogue and will not censor speech.

The documentary addressed the issue of this generation becoming too sensitive to speech and therefore hindering people's ability to express themselves without the fear of backlash. As America is becoming increasingly open to new platforms of expression, along with this comes a heightened sensitivity to not offend anyone. The documentary tackles the issue of comedy in a new sensitive America, and in no way condones hateful or derogatory speech. But does support that it is necessary to keep speech open to all forms of expression in when discussing possibly offensive topics.

 In an effort to keep the debate of free speech on campus flowing and relevant a giant beach ball was placed on campus in order for students to write messages regarding free speech across it. The ball was implemented by a group called Young Americans for Liberty as a response to the unrest regarding the advertisement for "Can we Take a Joke?" America is most certainly becoming increasingly soft to topics that can be taken as offensive. These subtle acts in favor of keeping free speech objectively free are necessary to maintain an amendment that America was founded on.
More on the fight to keep freedom of speech on Ithaca's Campus

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