Monday, May 2, 2016

Breaking News!- North Carolina has just flushed any chance of anti discrimination down the toilet

    North Carolina has been drawing national attention to itself after passing a bill that blocks local governments and cities from passing anti discrimination laws. On February 22 Charlotte, North Carolina expanded an ordinance that would expand anti discrimination for LGBT citizens in public accommodations. In response to this the 'bathroom bill' was drafted and put into effect that same night. Essentially the law finalized the states standing on anti discrimination laws, making it impossible to expand "public accommodations" or "employment" protections on the basis of sexual orientation.

     Unfortunately, in the wake of this bill being passed, the real issue is being muddied by the bathroom component of it. For those who are not fully educated on what the bill entails believe that it only effects trans genders ability to use which ever bathroom they please. Although this is an aspect of it the greater issue is that this new bill allows for businesses to discriminate against race, religion, gender etc. Essentially the general feeling is that legislatures went specifically out of their way to discriminate against the LGBT community. The link below provides a more detailed break down of the law.

    The bill has received mass amounts of attention on social media from your average joe to the famous recently trans gender Caitlyn Jenner. Even with the ample amounts of detest towards the bill, North Carolina still stands behind it's decision that involved spending 42,000 dollars to rush the bill into action.
Click this to read the 'bathroom bill' in it's entirety

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