Sunday, May 1, 2016

Apple v FBI- a case of privacy

   The recent conflict with Apple and the FBI continues to un fold, as the issue of privacy remains important among Americans. The issue is one concerning the FBI attempting to breach Apples privacy policy. In order to progress a court case the FBI is asking to view messages in the suspects phone that could reveal important information. Although at first glance it seems to be an easy solution, Apple would need to create new software in order to solve the problem.

Apple has fought the FBI's request on the grounds that it violates their rights to due process. The argument that they are attempting to utilize is that by asking them to write new software to get into the phone it violates their first amendment right. They are using the precedent that writing code software has classified as a form of free speech in the past. Along with this Apple is also concerned that if they chose to bypass the current security features they have in place it would create a permanent way for law enforcements to modify security in the future. The government believes that this could be a landmark step for future cases regarding terrorism and things of that nature. Apple and privacy activists see this as a danger to their privacy rights in the future.

As this court case is still current no decision has been made, lawyers are expected to report their advancements on April 5th.
Read more about this case here!

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