Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Blacks Only

 After a student at the University of Buffalo chose to adorn public places with 'white only' and 'black only' signs a controversy emerged. Many students and professors were outraged by the signs, finding them highly offensive. Ashley Powell, an art student at the university admitted to having hung the signs not out of prejudice but for a school project.

These signs were hung in her defense in order to symbolize her suffering with white privilege. For many though it brought up unwanted feelings of the past that symbolized a dark time in America's history. Although these signs can be viewed as offensive to believe that these issues are no longer prevalent just because signs like this no longer exist would be a grave understatement. These signs having brought up unwanted feelings of segregation reminded the university of what used to be.

With this upheaval of the past a great deal of anger also emerged. For Powell it is not only when these signs are up that she is reminded of the still prevalent issue of racism in America. Having caused so much unrest Powell did release a statement regarding her project, but does not regret what she did. "I apologize for the extreme trauma, fear, and actual hurt and pain these signs brought about. I apologize if you were hurt, but I do not apologize for what I did." 
Check out this link to read more on the issue!

1 comment:

  1. I remember hearing about this a few months ago, and it always makes me think of how yes, you have the right to say what you want, however, you have to be prepared for the backlash that might occur. This is because that backlash is someone's right to say, even if you may feel personally attacked.
